1. page-turner
That book was such a page-turner. I couldn’t put it down!
2. Big Picture
Our strategy should be focused on the big picture.
3. Cool as a cucumber
Nearly everyone in the meeting started shouting, but John stayed cool as a cucumber.
4. Corner the market
We need to corner the market if we want to have a higher market share.
5. Crossed the line
You have crossed the line by being so rude.
6. Cutting corners
Stop cutting corners and bring back the quality of our products to standard.
7. Domino effect
The collapse of a bank could have a drastic domino effect on other financial institutions.
8. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched.
9. Get down to the business
Now that everyone’s here, let’s get down to business and start with the presentation.
10. Get out of hand
This is an important meeting, don't let things get out of hand.
11. Go around in circles
We keep on going around circles. Let us decide so we could proceed.
12. Go back to the drawing board
(一度失敗した後) 計画の振り出しに戻る
I think we should go back to the drawing board with our design, and try to make it better this time..
13. Go the extra mile
I like doing business with that company because they always go the extra mile.
14. On its last legs
A year ago he looked like he was on his last legs but the situation has clearly changed for the better.
15. On the ball
He was right on the ball regarding his evaluation of the circumstances.
16. On the same page
Let’s go over the contract details once more to make sure we’re on the same page.
17. Out of the question
This deal is out of the question.
18. Point of view
From an economic point of view , the new development will benefit the town greatly.
19. Raise the bar
The iPhone raised the bar for smartphone makers.
20. Streamline
We need to streamline the company.
21. Take into account
There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.
22. Two heads are better than one
Can you help some with this report as two heads are better than one.
23. Win-win
It was a win-win situation all around.
24. You reap what you sow
If you're good in sales you can get high commission because you reap what you sow.
25. A blessing in disguise
My car broke down again, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise; I've been wasting too much time driving around anyway.
26. A hard nut to crack
This algebra equation sure is a hard nut to crack.
Jennifer is a hard nut to crack.
27. Add insult to injury
My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, then, to add insult to injury, it started to rain.
28. All Greek to me
I couldn't understand a word she was saying. It was all greek to me.
29. Bad news travel fast
Everyone heard about your bad grades! Bad news travel fast.
30. Be in the same boat
My friend and I are in the same boat. We have to finish our English essays for tomorrow.
31. Beat around the bush
Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
32. Beating a dead horse
What's done is done, overthinking about it is just beating a dead horse.
33. Bellyaching
He's always bellyaching about how much work he has to do.
34. Better late than never
I know that it took me weeks to greet you a happy birthday, but better late than never.
35. bite the bullet
After some reflection, he decided to bite the bullet.
36. Blow (someone or something) out of the water
They think they can blow their rivals out of the water with this product.
37. Bread and butter
Gardening is my bread and butter right now
38. Break the bank
I wanted to get the new Macbook, but it will break the bank.
39. Calm before the storm
I thought everything's settled but, it was just the calm before the storm.
40. Couch potato
Stop being a couch potato! Turn off the TV and go out and do something else.
41. Cut (one) some slack
Would you cut me some slack?
42. Early bird
I’m always up before 6am! I guess I’m an early bird.
43. Every cloud has a silver lining
Every cloud has a silver lining, even the coronavirus pandemic might bring about some positives.
44. Face the music
What you did was wrong, you're going to have to face the music eventually.
45. From scratch
I made cookies from scratch and that was so difficult to make!.
46. Good call
He chooses quality over quantity. That's a good call.
47. Have a lot on (one's) plate
This week will be so hectic as I have a lot on my plate.
48. Hold your horses
Hold your horses sir, can’t you see that we haven’t finished here?!
49. In a Nutshell
In a nutshell, you want to promote me, give me a raise and let me work from home?
50. It takes one to know one
Adam: She's a terrible cook.
George: Well, it takes one to know one.
51. It’s not rocket science
Come on. It’s not rocket science. This lesson is quite easy.
52. Knock (one's) socks off
Lara's performance at the concert last night just knocked my socks off.
53. Life is like a box of chocolates
《人生はチョコレートの箱のようなもの》1994年 公開の映画「フォレスト・ガンプ」のセリフ。人生は驚きがいっぱいで何が起こるかわからないという意味
My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. (1994 film Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks)
54. Like a bat out of hell
When Sara told Sam that the house was haunted he bolted outside like a bat out of hell.
55. Live hand to mouth
Many people are living hand to mouth after loosing their jobs due to pandemic
56. Make a long story short
To make a long story short, I had a wonderful time during golden week.
57. Method to (one's) madness
You can’t tell now, but there’s a method to my madness.
58. Miss the boat
The application has already ended, you missed the boat. You should apply next time.
59. Night owl
I never sleep before 2am. I guess I really am a night owl.
60. Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon, I get to enjoy something for myself.
61. Out of sorts
Mindy unfortunately won’t be joining us today, she’s feeling a little out of sorts.
62. Out of this world
I love this apple pie - it's out of this world!
63. Paint the town red
After our exam, we all decided to get dressed and paint the town red.
64. Part ways
After 5 years of living in the same apartment together, my friend and I decided to part ways.
65. Picky eater
She has so many foods she dislikes...she’s such a picky eater!
66. Pull yourself together
My parents are coming, pull yourself together.
67. Put (something) down to experience
Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and
carry on with your life.
68. Put all your eggs in one basket
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
69. Rain Check
またの機会 (誘いを断った直後に用いられる表現)
He is busy with work so he has taken a rain check on our plans tonight.
70. Raining cats and dogs
大雨、 土砂降り
Don’t forget your umbrella. It’s raining cats and dogs.
71. Sassy
My cousin is so sassy, always ready to give you a piece of her mind.
(give someone a piece of one’s mind: ずけずけと言いたい事を言う)
72. Put (something) down to experience
Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and carry on with your life.
73. Sit tight
Sit tight and wait for a bit, I'll be right back.
74. So far so good
"Q: Hello! How′s going with your meetings?
A: so far so good"
75. Speak of the devil!
Speak of the devil, it’s Joe!
76. Spill the beans
例文)If I spill the beans will you promise not to tell anyone else?
77. Split the bill
Let’s split the bill.
78. Strapped for cash
I can't pay for that at the moment because I'm strapped for cash.
79. Take (something) with a pinch of salt
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt.
80. Take a chill pill
Can someone please tell Matthew to take a chill pill? We will be on time for the party.
81. That ship has sailed
You cannot date John because he is engaged. That ship has sailed.
82. The elephant in the room
I think we should address the elephant in the room and get over it.
83. The worse for wear
Not having slept, he was the worse for wear
84. Throw (someone) under the bus
Mark always looks for someone to blame and throw under the bus for his failings.
85. Time flies when you're having funl
I can't believe my holiday is already over. Time flies when you're having fun.
86. To get over (something)
It's been 2 years since your break-up. You need to get over it.
87. To jet out
I need to jet out of here. I am late for my class.
88. To put one's face on
"Where's the wife?" "She is upstairs getting ready, putting her face on"
89. Under the weather
I'm feeling under the weather so I will take a sick leave today.
90. Until (one) is blue in the face
You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won’t do it.
91. Up and about
She was up and about right after her injury.
92. We will cross that bridge when we get there.
We might need to change plans, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
93. Whatever floats one's boat
I don’t really want to go to Disneyland, but whatever floats your boat.
94. Wrap (one's) head around
I'm sorry, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.
95. Call it quits
The young couple called it quits because they thought they're not good for each
96. Rule of thumb
As a rule of thumb, you should bring a small gift when going to someone's house.
97. Stay in touch
I haven't heard from you in a while. you should stay in touch more often.
98. Break a leg!
You all look great in your costumes! Break a leg!
99. Cup of tea
Snowboarding isn't really my cup of tea. I prefer skiing instead.
100. Hit the road
I’d love to stay longer but it’s really time to hit the road.
101. Signature dish
The signature dish is cooked rice, and it is combined with seasonal ingredients to bring out the best balance of taste and texture.
102. Thread the needle
That guy is a really good passer, always threading the needle.
103. Blow off steam
When I'm stressed, I like to go running to blow off steam.
104 Chillax
落ち着く、リラックスする (chill out(落ち着く)とrelax(リラックスする)の複合語)
After work lets grab a beer and chillax.
105. Costs an arm and a leg
I looked at the price and realized that it costs an arm and a leg!
106. Cut somebody some slack
Cut Jim some slack. He didn't mean to be rude. He just had a very difficult day.
107. Blockbuster
That movie is a blockbuster.
108. look to (one's) laurels
Nowadays there are a number of similar products on the market and the older,
established companies are having to look to their laurels.
109. Pay over the odds
She definitely paid over the odds for that dress.
110. Rip-off
You paid $500 for that shirt?! That’s a rip-off.
111. No-brainer
When the best university in the country offers you a full four-year scholarship the decision is a no-brainer. I jumped at the chance.
112. Nose Buried In A Book
He is intent on becoming fluent in English so his nose is always buried in a book.
113. Packed like sardines
The train is so full, it's packed like sardines.
114. Shake a leg
Get out there and shake a leg.
115. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
I was in Europe and I saw many people eating a strange kind of food. When in Rome, do as the Romans do! So, I tried that strange food.
116. Wthout a hitch
ことなく, 問題無く
How was your trip? Great, it went off without a hitch.
117. Empty nesters
Since my sister and I have moved out, my parents are empty nesters.
118. Going steady
Two of them seems to be going steady.
119. Hang in there
あきらめないで, 負けないで, くじけないで
I know it’s difficult, hang in there.
120. Burn out
He's probably burned out from always working a 12-hour shift at the hospital.
121. Call it a day.
I can't do any more work on this project, I think I'm going to call it a day.
122. No pain no gain
My project at work is very difficult but, no pain no gain!
123. Learn the ropes
Have you been able to learn the ropes of your new job?
124. Save something for a rainy day.
We can’t predict the future so we should save this face masks for a rainy day.
125. Blind as a Bat
You can't see that? You must be blind as a bat! (Informal and jokingly).

1. page-turner
That book was such a page-turner. I couldn’t put it down!
2. Big Picture
Our strategy should be focused on the big picture.
3. Cool as a cucumber
Nearly everyone in the meeting started shouting, but John stayed cool as a cucumber.
4. Corner the market
We need to corner the market if we want to have a higher market share.
5. Crossed the line
You have crossed the line by being so rude.
6. Cutting corners
Stop cutting corners and bring back the quality of our products to standard.
7. Domino effect
The collapse of a bank could have a drastic domino effect on other financial institutions.
8. Don’t count your chickens before they hatch
She wanted to buy a dress in case someone asked her to the dance, but I told her not to count her chickens before they hatched.
9. Get down to the business
Now that everyone’s here, let’s get down to business and start with the presentation.
10. Get out of hand
This is an important meeting, don't let things get out of hand.
11. Go around in circles
We keep on going around circles. Let us decide so we could proceed.
12. Go back to the drawing board
(一度失敗した後) 計画の振り出しに戻る
I think we should go back to the drawing board with our design, and try to make it better this time..
13. Go the extra mile
I like doing business with that company because they always go the extra mile.
14. On its last legs
A year ago he looked like he was on his last legs but the situation has clearly changed for the better.
15. On the ball
He was right on the ball regarding his evaluation of the circumstances.
16. On the same page
Let’s go over the contract details once more to make sure we’re on the same page.
17. Out of the question
This deal is out of the question.
18. Point of view
From an economic point of view , the new development will benefit the town greatly.
19. Raise the bar
The iPhone raised the bar for smartphone makers.
20. Streamline
We need to streamline the company.
21. Take into account
There are three factors to take into account: firstly cost, secondly time, and thirdly staff.
22. Two heads are better than one
Can you help some with this report as two heads are better than one.
23. Win-win
It was a win-win situation all around.
24. You reap what you sow
If you're good in sales you can get high commission because you reap what you sow.
25. A blessing in disguise
My car broke down again, but maybe it was a blessing in disguise; I've been wasting too much time driving around anyway.
26. A hard nut to crack
This algebra equation sure is a hard nut to crack.
Jennifer is a hard nut to crack.
27. Add insult to injury
My car broke down in the middle of nowhere, then, to add insult to injury, it started to rain.
28. All Greek to me
I couldn't understand a word she was saying. It was all greek to me.
29. Bad news travel fast
Everyone heard about your bad grades! Bad news travel fast.
30. Be in the same boat
My friend and I are in the same boat. We have to finish our English essays for tomorrow.
31. Beat around the bush
Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
32. Beating a dead horse
What's done is done, overthinking about it is just beating a dead horse.
33. Bellyaching
He's always bellyaching about how much work he has to do.
34. Better late than never
I know that it took me weeks to greet you a happy birthday, but better late than never.
35. bite the bullet
After some reflection, he decided to bite the bullet.
36. Blow (someone or something) out of the water
They think they can blow their rivals out of the water with this product.
37. Bread and butter
Gardening is my bread and butter right now
38. Break the bank
I wanted to get the new Macbook, but it will break the bank.
39. Calm before the storm
I thought everything's settled but, it was just the calm before the storm.
40. Couch potato
Stop being a couch potato! Turn off the TV and go out and do something else.
41. Cut (one) some slack
Would you cut me some slack?
42. Early bird
I’m always up before 6am! I guess I’m an early bird.
43. Every cloud has a silver lining
Every cloud has a silver lining, even the coronavirus pandemic might bring about some positives.
44. Face the music
What you did was wrong, you're going to have to face the music eventually.
45. From scratch
I made cookies from scratch and that was so difficult to make!.
46. Good call
He chooses quality over quantity. That's a good call.
47. Have a lot on (one's) plate
This week will be so hectic as I have a lot on my plate.
48. Hold your horses
Hold your horses sir, can’t you see that we haven’t finished here?!
49. In a Nutshell
In a nutshell, you want to promote me, give me a raise and let me work from home?
50. It takes one to know one
Adam: She's a terrible cook.
George: Well, it takes one to know one.
51. It’s not rocket science
Come on. It’s not rocket science. This lesson is quite easy.
52. Knock (one's) socks off
Lara's performance at the concert last night just knocked my socks off.
53. Life is like a box of chocolates
《人生はチョコレートの箱のようなもの》1994年 公開の映画「フォレスト・ガンプ」のセリフ。人生は驚きがいっぱいで何が起こるかわからないという意味
My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. (1994 film Forrest Gump, starring Tom Hanks)
54. Like a bat out of hell
When Sara told Sam that the house was haunted he bolted outside like a bat out of hell.
55. Live hand to mouth
Many people are living hand to mouth after loosing their jobs due to pandemic
56. Make a long story short
To make a long story short, I had a wonderful time during golden week.
57. Method to (one's) madness
You can’t tell now, but there’s a method to my madness.
58. Miss the boat
The application has already ended, you missed the boat. You should apply next time.
59. Night owl
I never sleep before 2am. I guess I really am a night owl.
60. Once in a blue moon
Once in a blue moon, I get to enjoy something for myself.
61. Out of sorts
Mindy unfortunately won’t be joining us today, she’s feeling a little out of sorts.
62. Out of this world
I love this apple pie - it's out of this world!
63. Paint the town red
After our exam, we all decided to get dressed and paint the town red.
64. Part ways
After 5 years of living in the same apartment together, my friend and I decided to part ways.
65. Picky eater
She has so many foods she dislikes...she’s such a picky eater!
66. Pull yourself together
My parents are coming, pull yourself together.
67. Put (something) down to experience
Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and
carry on with your life.
68. Put all your eggs in one basket
Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
69. Rain Check
またの機会 (誘いを断った直後に用いられる表現)
He is busy with work so he has taken a rain check on our plans tonight.
70. Raining cats and dogs
大雨、 土砂降り
Don’t forget your umbrella. It’s raining cats and dogs.
71. Sassy
My cousin is so sassy, always ready to give you a piece of her mind.
(give someone a piece of one’s mind: ずけずけと言いたい事を言う)
72. Put (something) down to experience
Okay, so you made a mistake - you just have to put it down to experience and carry on with your life.
73. Sit tight
Sit tight and wait for a bit, I'll be right back.
74. So far so good
"Q: Hello! How′s going with your meetings?
A: so far so good"
75. Speak of the devil!
Speak of the devil, it’s Joe!
76. Spill the beans
例文)If I spill the beans will you promise not to tell anyone else?
77. Split the bill
Let’s split the bill.
78. Strapped for cash
I can't pay for that at the moment because I'm strapped for cash.
79. Take (something) with a pinch of salt
You have to take everything she says with a pinch of salt.
80. Take a chill pill
Can someone please tell Matthew to take a chill pill? We will be on time for the party.
81. That ship has sailed
You cannot date John because he is engaged. That ship has sailed.
82. The elephant in the room
I think we should address the elephant in the room and get over it.
83. The worse for wear
Not having slept, he was the worse for wear
84. Throw (someone) under the bus
Mark always looks for someone to blame and throw under the bus for his failings.
85. Time flies when you're having funl
I can't believe my holiday is already over. Time flies when you're having fun.
86. To get over (something)
It's been 2 years since your break-up. You need to get over it.
87. To jet out
I need to jet out of here. I am late for my class.
88. To put one's face on
"Where's the wife?" "She is upstairs getting ready, putting her face on"
89. Under the weather
I'm feeling under the weather so I will take a sick leave today.
90. Until (one) is blue in the face
You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won’t do it.
91. Up and about
She was up and about right after her injury.
92. We will cross that bridge when we get there.
We might need to change plans, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
93. Whatever floats one's boat
I don’t really want to go to Disneyland, but whatever floats your boat.
94. Wrap (one's) head around
I'm sorry, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.
95. Call it quits
The young couple called it quits because they thought they're not good for each
96. Rule of thumb
As a rule of thumb, you should bring a small gift when going to someone's house.
97. Stay in touch
I haven't heard from you in a while. you should stay in touch more often.
98. Break a leg!
You all look great in your costumes! Break a leg!
99. Cup of tea
Snowboarding isn't really my cup of tea. I prefer skiing instead.
100. Hit the road
I’d love to stay longer but it’s really time to hit the road.
101. Signature dish
The signature dish is cooked rice, and it is combined with seasonal ingredients to bring out the best balance of taste and texture.
102. Thread the needle
That guy is a really good passer, always threading the needle.
103. Blow off steam
When I'm stressed, I like to go running to blow off steam.
104 Chillax
落ち着く、リラックスする (chill out(落ち着く)とrelax(リラックスする)の複合語)
After work lets grab a beer and chillax.
105. Costs an arm and a leg
I looked at the price and realized that it costs an arm and a leg!
106. Cut somebody some slack
Cut Jim some slack. He didn't mean to be rude. He just had a very difficult day.
107. Blockbuster
That movie is a blockbuster.
108. look to (one's) laurels
Nowadays there are a number of similar products on the market and the older,
established companies are having to look to their laurels.
109. Pay over the odds
She definitely paid over the odds for that dress.
110. Rip-off
You paid $500 for that shirt?! That’s a rip-off.
111. No-brainer
When the best university in the country offers you a full four-year scholarship the decision is a no-brainer. I jumped at the chance.
112. Nose Buried In A Book
He is intent on becoming fluent in English so his nose is always buried in a book.
113. Packed like sardines
The train is so full, it's packed like sardines.
114. Shake a leg
Get out there and shake a leg.
115. When in Rome, do as the Romans do
I was in Europe and I saw many people eating a strange kind of food. When in Rome, do as the Romans do! So, I tried that strange food.
116. Wthout a hitch
ことなく, 問題無く
How was your trip? Great, it went off without a hitch.
117. Empty nesters
Since my sister and I have moved out, my parents are empty nesters.
118. Going steady
Two of them seems to be going steady.
119. Hang in there
あきらめないで, 負けないで, くじけないで
I know it’s difficult, hang in there.
120. Burn out
He's probably burned out from always working a 12-hour shift at the hospital.
121. Call it a day.
I can't do any more work on this project, I think I'm going to call it a day.
122. No pain no gain
My project at work is very difficult but, no pain no gain!
123. Learn the ropes
Have you been able to learn the ropes of your new job?
124. Save something for a rainy day.
We can’t predict the future so we should save this face masks for a rainy day.
125. Blind as a Bat
You can't see that? You must be blind as a bat! (Informal and jokingly).
