(英語)Carson H講師からの投稿:PCE講師ゆかりの地紹介とお勧めの観光スポット

I grew up in Washington State, USA, also referred to as the 'Evergreen State' because of the abundance of evergreen trees. To me, the best aspect of Washington State is the natural environment and the forests. As a kid I remember that, even on the hottest summer days, playing in the groves of towering evergreen trees provided cool relief from the sun. Like Japan, Washington State is covered in forests, but the pine trees are much taller than most trees you will ever see in Japan.

Anyone wanting to travel to the USA should not only consider visiting a major city, but should also consider visiting a location like Washington State to see natural beauty. Hiking and biking are some of the most popular sports in Washington and are the best way for tourists to become acquainted with Washington.

I always enjoy my conversations with PCE students and I hope to meet more students in the future! Please make time to join a PCE lesson soon!

Kind regards,
