英語ペラペラブック [Life-5]

What would you do if you had an extra hour for yourself in the morning?

Ken: I can't get up early in the morning, so I am always busy with things to do.
What would you do if you had an extra hour for yourself in the morning?
ケン: 「朝、とっても弱くって、いつもバタバタしてしまうんだよね。朝、いつもより1時間のゆとり時間があったら何する?」

Yoko: It's true that we are all busy in the morning. I would take a walk to the park near my place because a walk in the early morning makes me feel good.
Another reason is that eventhough I like dogs, I can't have them at home as I can't take care of them all by myself. But I can see cute dogs whenever I go to the park.

Ken: Walking sounds good. I would stop by a cafe to read books or study before going to work.
I think I will be satisfied by spending time at a cafe for reading and things. I’ve never tried it because I am not a morning person, and I feel a bit inferior…
ケン: 「散歩かー。いいねー。僕は出社前にカフェに寄って読書とか勉強かな。

Misa: Spending time in a cafe in the morning sounds good. I often go to morning Cafe-Eikaiwa on weekdays. It starts from 7:15 but I can somehow get up early if I say to myself "I will go to Cafe-Eikaiwa tomorrow morning!" before going to sleep. I think I am able to have a productive day because morning Cafe-Eikaiwa finishes at 8:30 and I still have plenty of time to do many things.
ミサ:「朝カフェ良いですね!私は平日朝のカフェ英会話♪に行くことも多いですよ。7時15分からなので早起きなんですけど、前日寝る前に、「明日は行くぞー」っておまじないかけて寝ると起きられるんですw 終わっても8時半なので、1日が充実する気がします。」

Ken: I just remembered that Cafe-Eikaiwa took place in the morning too. I'm wondering whether I could go. But I will give it a try.
ケン: 「おー、そういえば朝もカフェ英会話♪あったよね。行けるかなー。でもせっかくだし一度は行ってみようかな。」

Yoko: Good for you. I've heard Marunouchi-area opens every morning. I suppose people who come in the early morning must all be attractive.

Ken: I think so too. I also want to say "I managed to get up early". I will definitely go there.

キーとなる英単語 or フレーズ
walk散歩/ live on one's own 一人暮らしをする
weekday 平日/ have a productive day 充実した一日を過ごす
plenty 沢山 / attractive 魅力的な