英語ペラペラブック [Hobby-3]
What is your favorite dish to cook?
Ken: Do you cook for yourself? What dish do you think you are best at cooking?
Yoko: I cook for myself nearly every day. I go to a cooking school so I take cooking lessons and sometimes eat the food I cooked there.
Ken: That’s great! Can you always cook just the right amount you need?
Yoko: Well, because I live by myself, I tend to make too much but I put the leftover in the lunch box for the next day.
Misa: I wish I could cook for by myself too. Yoko, can you tell me any easy-to-make recipes?
Yoko: Let me think. How about Acqua Pazza? It's an Italian dish. All you need to do is put white fish, clams and tomatoes in a frying pan, and steam them with white-wine. It is very simple but it looks very authentic and it's tasteful! I'm sure your friends and family will like it.
Misa:Wow! Thanks! I will check its recipes on “Cookpad” and give it a try.
キーとなる英単語 or フレーズ
nearly every day ほぼ毎日 / get cooking lessons お料理の授業を取る
cook too much 作りすぎる / manage it なんとかしてる
easy-to-make recipes 簡単なレシピ / put ~ in a frying pan. ~をフライパンに入れる
steam~ ~を蒸す/ authentic 本格的な
It tasteful. おいしい / check~ on … ~を・・・で調べる